
Access to Bridgnorth Cliff Railway

Many recent adjustments have been made to the Railway to improve access for the disabled. However please bear in mind that the Railway was built in 1892 and is listed. Some difficulties remain for disabled persons.

Wheelchair access

The Railway is fully accessible to someone with limited mobility and able to walk a few paces and manage 3 steps. A full size wheelchair will need to be folded.

Arriving at the Bottom Station

There is a slope of 1 in 10 up to the Bottom Station. The external doors into the building have a step up of 2” (50mm) and a width of 3’ 7” (109cm).
Seating is available at the Bottom Station.
There are 3 wide steps up into the car each 8” (20cm) high. There are large brass handles on each side of the first step.
On the car platform are large yellow painted handles each side.
The width of the car doors is 19 ½” (49cm). Staff can give assistance if required.
There is a short slope up of 1 in 10 out of the car at the end of the journey. There are large brass handles on each side of the
door. Staff can give assistance if required.
The external doors out of the building have a 5” (13cm) step down and a width of 3’ 4” (102cm)

Arriving at the Top Station

The external doors into the building have a 5” (13cm) step up and a width of 3’ 4” (102cm) There is a short slope down of
1 in 10 into the car. There are large brass handles on each side of the door. The width of the car doors is 19 ½” (49cm).
Staff can give assistance if required.
There are 3 wide steps down out of the car each 8” (20cm) high at the end of the journey.
On the car platform are large yellow painted handles each side.
There are large brass handles on each side of the bottom step. Staff can give assistance if required.
Seating is available at the Bottom Station.
The external doors out of the building have a step down of 2” (50mm) and a width of 3’ 7” (109cm)
There is a slope of 1 in 10 leading away from the Bottom Station.

Blind or partially sighted persons

The Railway is fully accessible by persons with sight impairment. All dogs are welcome. Assistance can be given.
Notices around the Railway are in large print and clear type. A large print leaflet about the Railway is available on request.

Please telephone 01746 762124 or 762052 for further information.

Contact The Bridgnorth Castle Hill Railway Company Ltd in Shropshire