125th Anniversary Commemorative Covers

125th Anniversary Commemorative Covers

On 7th July, 2017, Bridgnorth Cliff Railway celebrates the 125th anniversary of its opening by Mayor John Anderson under the supervision of its founder Sir George Croydon Marks.

Buckingham Covers has teamed up with the cliff railway to produce a commemorative cover to celebrate the milestone date. The Bridgnorth Castle Hill Railway Company Limited has provided Buckingham Covers with artwork and given permission for its registered trademark to be used. Collectors may order their commemorative covers direct from Buckingham Covers.

The covers will be transported on the cliff railway on the anniversary date. One of the company’s current directors, who is a cousin of Sir George Croydon Marks, will travel dressed in cliff railway uniform with the covers on the cliff railway.

To pre-order your cover, visit www.buckinghamcovers.com/bridgnorth or telephone Buckingham Covers at 01303-278137. You can email them at betty@buckinghamcovers.com

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125th Anniversary Commemorative Covers
Contact The Bridgnorth Castle Hill Railway Company Ltd in Shropshire